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Aberystwyth Trip on 1st July 2024. Sorry folks no image this year. Camera went on strike. None the less a good time was had by all. Weather could have been better. And lastly, thank you Mike for arranging the trip. You made it happen

RAB Annual General Meeting held at Metropole Hotel Llandrindod Wells

Three Course Lunch Provided by the Metropole. After Dinner Raffle. Holly sung for us. Thanks Holly you are good. Happy Birthday to Margaret 105 years old in two weeks. Totally enjoyable afternoon.

RAB invade Aberystwyth. 6th July 2023 Mike Edwards RAB Hon Sec. Thank you Mike for your sterling work arranging our day out from all who went to Aberystwyth. We had a lovely time.

RAB Invade Aberystwyth. 6th July 2023 The annual Aberystwyth outing took place on the 6th July 2023. Weather was a little overcast but warm. We were accompanied by Marcia Morgan "The Major of Llandrindod Wells and Chair of the Town Co

Aberystwyth trip 2015

Aberystwyth trip 2015

Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016

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Charity number 215656

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Radnorshire Association for the Blind is a registered charity
Charity number 215656

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